Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I backed Dubois 1.58
looking for a scratch trade in 2nd set. I had no chance and had to take the loss :(
looking for a scratch trade in 2nd set. I had no chance and had to take the loss :(
Belluci, Peer, Dechy.....................results
Belluci = looking for a scratch trade in 2nd set. closed for a scratch trade in 2nd set.
Peer = winner
Dechy = closed the trade in 2nd set after Dechy was broken for a scratch trade.
Peer = winner
Dechy = closed the trade in 2nd set after Dechy was broken for a scratch trade.
found this on betfair tennis-forum, postet by chagoo..very good read
This section is very important and you should read it over and overagain until everything mentioned here becomes second nature to you.You see, contrary to popular belief there are many systems, and alsomany good pro-gamblers who make a very good living from theirbetting activities (the bookies do not ALWAYS win). There couldalso be a hell of a lot more professional gamblers if they could masterthe arts of discipline, self -control, sensible staking and keepingrecords, effectively running there betting activities as a BUSINESS.This is where a huge number of people who have the potential to goPRO fall down.So what exactly is the definition of a Pro-Gambler? As far as Iunderstand you become a professional gambler when your soleincome is derived from your betting activities. Likewise, you are asemi-pro if a substantial part of your income is derived from yourbetting activities (such an example would be a tipster service whoearns part of his income from betting but also part from chargingclients for providing a betting service).There are many people who whilst aspiring to be a pro or semi-progambler, never reach their goal, not because they are not goodenough at picking winners, but simply they do not have the disciplineor self control to run their betting activities as a business. Likewise, Iam sure there are many people who have developed successfulsystems (although I can confidently say that I do not think there isany system out their that even comes close to being as effective as thisone in making consistently huge profits), but again lack the disciplineto use their potential to the full. Basically, they do not treat theirbetting as a business. This is the single most important factor indetermining your success or failure as a semi-pro or pro gambler.You MUST treat your betting activities as a BUSINESS and run itlike a BUSINESS. Could you imagine any successful businessworking without virtually any record keeping or without anycarefully thought out financial planning? This is exactly what manywould be pro-gamblers do. They may be very good at selecting orthey may have the best system in the world, but without aprofessional business-like approach they are doomed to failure.How can you possibly know how well or how badly you are doing ifyou do not log down every single bet that you ever make down, sothat at the end of the month you have a profit and loss balance sheet,just like any business would, yet many people bet on a whim withoutmaking any notes at all. They can only begin to guess how well orbadly they have done by the end of the month depending on howheavy or light their pocket feels. Yet keeping DAILY RECORDS ofall your selections is NOT difficult or time consuming but it ISessential in order to help you on the way to becoming a semi pro orpro gambler.What about financial planning for your business? Again this issomething simple to do but what most potential pro-gamblers fail todo. Many people bet with the amount of money they have available atthat time. If they have been to the pub too often and it is the end ofthe month they may only have £2 on what may be a potentially greatbet. At the same time if it is just after payday they may have £100 onanother potentially great bet. In truth, both bets may be as good aseach other, and how do you know which one is going to win? Say, forexample the bet you had £2.00 on comes romping home at 3-1. Youare kicking yourself that you only had £2.00 on it, because you havespent the last week in a semi-coma after spending all your hardearned cash on bitter or lager. Not that spending lots of money onbitter or lager is a bad thing (As I can vouch for by the size of mystomach, although at my age I am actively working this off, but I amrather straying from the point here). The mistake you have made isonly having £2.00 on a 3-1 winner and then after payday having £100on a sure thing that gets beat by a short head. Unlucky?DEFINITELY NO. In fact, over the course of the two bets you haveselected, you should have done very well. In fact these were veryskilful selections, one winner at 3-1, and one loser that got beat by ashort head.Now lets see what exactly the same selection process would haveproduced if you had been running your betting activities as abusiness. Without a fancy staking plan, lets say you are staking thesame amount of money on every selection, you value both betsequally (i.e. you expect to win money otherwise you would not placethe bet in the first place).If you had placed £2.00 on each bet the end result would have been a£4.00 PROFIT.(£2.00 x 3-1 (4.0) = £8.00 less £2.00 stake =£6.00 Less £2.00 on thelosing bet = £4.00 profit.)If you had placed £50 on each bet the end result would have been£100 PROFIT.If you had placed £100 on each bet the end result would have been a£200 PROFIT.However you placed £2.00 on the bet that won and £100 on the betthat lost, the end result being a -£96.00 LOSS.Instead of being £4.00 in profit, £100 in profit or £200 in profit youlost £96.00 that you probably could ill afford to lose. This is theimportant thing. You lost this not by bad selections, bad luck or anyother excuse, but purely from bad planning and bad management.You lost money because you were led by circumstance, (the amountof money that you had in your pocket at the time), rather than takingcontrol and running your betting activities as a business.A £4.00 Win is better than a £96 Loss if that is your affordablebudget. You see the important thing here is not how much money youhave on each bet (although obviously it is desirable to have as muchas possible), but that your bets are placed within the limits of youravailable BETTING BANK. A betting bank is the amount of moneythat you should set aside for your betting activities BEFORE a singlebet has been placed.This should be money that you can afford to lose. With betting, aswell as with any business, there are no guarantees howeverwonderful a system is or how good your selection process is, and Ihave yet to come across any form of betting that does not involve alosing run at some stage or another. A betting bank plannedcorrectly eliminates the heartache of the losing runs and keeps yourbusiness afloat, whatever the size of the betting bank you start with.The size of the betting bank is not the important thing. You canalways increase your stakes in line with the growth of your bank, butwhat you must do is start with a betting bank and stick to it. Neveragain place a bet on the strength of the money you have available inyour pocket at the time.Now that we have established that you need a betting bank to startwith, what should this be? Without stating the obvious, it should bewhat you can afford. Never bet with money that you can’t afford tolose. If it is a choice between a loaf of bread and starving or £2.00 onthe 3:50 at Kempton, go out to the bakers and buy that loaf of breadotherwise you will probably be starving hungry by the end of theevening.Say, for example, you can put aside £1,000 to run your betting as abusiness. What you do is simply divide this amount of money by thenumber of bets that you will think you will need to cover a worstcasescenario, losing run. This is your bank, your working capital foryour business, not money to be frittered away in the hope that it willbring you instant riches. You should safeguard your bank and alwayserr on the side of caution. Without it always there you will not have abusiness; this is the first and single most important thing in becominga semi-pro or pro gambler. I personally would advise working outyour stake on each bet using a betting bank between 1/20th and 1/50thof your bank. This is just my personal opinion and I would alwaysfavour the 1/50th of your bank over anything else. For example, youhave a £1,000 bank. If you are betting 1/20th of this bank you shouldbe placing £50 Level Stakes on each bet (We will talk more aboutstaking in a moment). Your bank would only be wiped out if youhave 20 losers in a row or several small losing runs together, ie: 5losers, then 1 winner then another 5 losers etc. As I mentionedpreviously, personally I would go for the 1/50th option, meaning yourbank would only be wiped out in a real catastrophe, and if it did getwiped out you should really then be questioning the system you areusing or selection process, whether it be your own or from a tippingservice. Whatever system or selection process you follow, you shouldnearly always be safe here. This really does almost virtually eliminateany BAD LUCK factor, unless you suffer from outrageously badluck, and I am afraid I do not have an answer to that one. This wouldmean that £1,000 bank, will allow you to place £20.00 stakes on eachselection.Whilst this may not seem very exciting or adventurous it is safe, andrunning a business and making money should be steady and safe,well planned and thought out with MINIMAL RISK. Leave the risktaking to the amateurs. Whilst they may get more excitement theirbank balance will probably never be very healthy, whereas runyou’re your betting business properly, and you will be nicelysurprised how quickly your bank balance could be increasing. Whatwe are talking about here is running your betting activities as abusiness. Plan & think in a business way. This is VERY, VERYimportant and I hope that this section has demonstrated to you whyit is that only ever a few people reach the elite top group ofprofessional gamblers. If you can master discipline, self control,staking & financial planning, keeping records of all your bets, andrunning your betting as a business then you really are more than halfway there to joining the elite: The Professional Gambler. With this,great rewards await you in the fact that, not only can it be the road toreal wealth, but also to real freedom. Freedom-from working forsomeone else. Freedom to spend more time with your friends andfamily and those that you love. Freedom to enjoy life to the full.A combination of a great betting system such as this one, togetherwith the discipline and business-like approach required to implementit, and run it successfully, can really lead to great things. You have inyour hands a truly great system; you have in your hands real powerto take control and determine your own destiny. But with greatpower comes great responsibility. The only thing in the way of yoursuccess is you. Run your betting as a BUSINESS and, as I saidpreviously, it does not matter what level you start at. As long as youmake that start.
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